Skyline is the unseen events agency who plan and deliver events in the UK and overseas that make a difference to people’s lives. With 26 years’ experience on events that have raised over £115m, our motivation is creating events that are meaningful, fun and awe-inspiring, for companies that value the wellbeing and long-term happiness of their staff and clients.

Consultancy, planning and delivery

Our mission at Skyline is to use our collective expertise to plan and execute events with meticulous consideration for the smallest detail and deliver on our promise of changing lives through life-changing events. As an events agency, we place a high priority on passion, creative problem-solving and flexibility when connecting with you to create memorable events.  Whether it’s in a consulting capacity or hands-on event delivery, we take your brief and think up concepts, create integrated marketing strategies that drive your story online and offline and generate project timelines to design and operate events in a timeframe best suited to your needs.

Bespoke events to celebrate your company’s milestone

We believe in celebrating your anniversaries and milestones with vivacity, so our events are tailored to match each of your objectives with creativity and imagination both in the UK or internationally. We create mass participation and bespoke events like the Great Wall of China Trek, London to Paris Cycle and Sahara Desert Trek to ensure that each initiative uniquely sets us apart from our competitors and delivers to you a quality, rewarding and inspiring experience.

Want to make your ideal event a reality? Get in touch to talk with us further.

Case Studies

Some of Our Valued Clients

Get in Touch

If you like what you’ve seen so far and want to find out more, why not drop Georgie an email at for more information? Or give us a call on 020 7424 5535